
The War on Porn was created because of the long standing assault on free speech in the form of sexual expression that is porn and adult content.

Is pornography really warping our brains, or is it a moral panic?

JOSHUA B. GRUBBS, an addiction professor has debunked the theory that there is such a thing as porn addiction.

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Utah’s Leading Anti-Porn Crusader Proposes Jail Time Over ‘Porn Filter’ Activation

State Seator Todd Weiler, the leading voice to ban porn in Utah has proposed jail time instead of a porn filter.

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Oklahoma Lawmaker Introduces Bill Proposing Ban on Porn

Southern Baptist preacher and State Seator. Dusty Deevers, proposed a bill that would ban porn in the state of Oklahoma.

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Florida Republicans Introduce Age Verification Legislation

Republican members of the Florida Legislature have put forth a porn site new age verification law for consideration.

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NC Lawmakers Open to Revisiting Age Verification Legislation

The North Carolina Legislator is going to review the state age verification law passed in 2023 for verifying the age of porn site users.

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Ninth Circuit Revives Trafficking Claims Against XVideos and Xnxx

The Ninth Circuit Court decided today that tube sites Xvideos and Xnxx, both located in the Czech Republic, can go forward.

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Pornography review to canvass public’s view on issue

The UK government is surveying members of the general public over a Barones-led anti-porn law that’s been proposed. The Tory government of  UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is leading the review.

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Florida Republicans want age verification on porn sites. Here’s how that worked out in other states.

Pastor and state Representative  Chase Tramont has proposed a copycat age verification bill for the state of Florida.

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Montana Democrat’s Anti-Porn Age Verification Law Goes Into Effect

Montana’s porn age verification had gone into effect. This version was sponsored by state Senator Willis Curdy of Missoula, a Democrat.

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As Pornhub Blocks More States, FSC Offers Custom Landing Pages, Form Letters

The Free Speech Coalition is offering landing pages to put on Pornhub and other sites that block states that have passed age verification laws.

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