The War on Porn Is Back
“If you want better men by any standard, there is every reason to regard ubiquitous pornography as an obstacle,” declared New...
The War on Porn: Cancel Culture on Steroids
How to Win the War on Porn
How to Win the War on Porn | National Review
A new Utah law, requiring all cellphones and tablets sold in the state to block pornography, points to how difficult this is — and to the limits of legislative solutions.
Pornhub’s Instagram Is a Major Casualty in the War on Porn
Pornhub’s Instagram Is a Major Casualty in the War on Porn
The adult film industry is under attack from the worlds of Big Tech, finance, and Christian orgs—and social media is but one of the battlegrounds.
Conservatives want a war on porn. It’s puritanical sex values that need to go
Conservatives want a war on porn. It’s puritanical sex values that need to go
Right-wingers are considering a war on porn. This would devastate sex workers, queer internet users, and any marginalized person who uses the internet.
The New War on Porn: How Moral Crusaders, Mainstream Media and Politicians Are Gunning for XXX
The New War on Porn: How Moral Crusaders, Mainstream Media and Politicians Are Gunning for XXX
In early December 2020, the world entered the 12th month of an unprecedented pandemic, COVID-related financial losses to individuals and businesses ravaged the economy, Congress bickered over relief measures and the President of the United States continued in his historic refusal to acknowledge the…
Today’s War on Porn and Sex Workers: Who’s Fighting Back?
Today’s War on Porn and Sex Workers: Who’s Fighting Back?
Porn & its distribution can be a complex issue that involves many stakeholders. Join us as we discuss the history behind the crusade against porn.
How the War on Porn Distracts Us From the Realities of Child Sexual Abuse
How the War on Porn Distracts Us From the Realities of Child Sexual Abuse
A former sex worker explains why new anti-porn legislation won’t stop images of child sexual abuse from proliferating on the internet.
The Mormon War on Porn
The Mormon War on Porn
Why is the LDS church focusing their energy on fighting the porn industry? Slutever’s Karley Sciortino finds out.