eBay to Ban Sale of Adult Items Effective June 15 AVN
In a notice sent out today to sellers in its "Adult Only" section, auction website eBay announced that effective June 15, 2021 that section will be shuttered and items meeting its definition of sexually oriented materials will thenceforth be prohibited from the site.
Section 230 Upheld: Court Rules Twitter May Ban Anti-Trans Writer
Section 230 Upheld: Court Rules Twitter May Ban Anti-Trans Writer AVN
The ‘First Amendment of the Internet’ survives another legal challenge in latest California court ruling.
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Calls for Some Revisions to Section 230
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Calls for Some Revisions to Section 230 AVN
For the first time, the boss of leading social media platform Facebook calls for Section 230 liability protections to be modified.
EARN IT Act Dies Without Vote in Congress as New Session Begins
EARN IT Act Dies Without Vote in Congress as New Session Begins AVN
One of the internet freedom bills most alarming to sex workers is now dead in Congress, at least for now.
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FSC Calls Victory in 2257 Battle as Feds’ Appeal Deadline Lapses
FSC Calls Victory in 2257 Battle as Feds’ Appeal Deadline Lapses AVN
The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) issued a statement Thursday afternoon declaring victory in its years' long battle to curtail the onus on adult businesses imposed by U.S.C. §§2257.
Canadian Sex Workers Launch Court Challenge to Anti-Sex Work Laws
Canadian Sex Workers Launch Court Challenge to Anti-Sex Work Laws AVN
A sex worker advocacy group is challenging Canada’s laws against sex work on Constitutional grounds.
Federal Gig Worker Rule Published Despite Biden Pledge to Block
Federal Gig Worker Rule Published Despite Biden Pledge to Block AVN
The Trump administration was set to make new rule allowing greater latitude for independent contract work official on Thursday.
Corey Silverstein Gives Advice on New MasterCard Adult Bank Rules
Corey Silverstein Gives Advice on New MasterCard Adult Bank Rules AVN
Adult industry attorney Corey SIlverstein held a webinar Monday to address the new MasterCard crackdown on adult business credit card transactions.
FSC Europe Petitions EU Commission on Behalf of Sex Workers
FSC Europe Petitions EU Commission on Behalf of Sex Workers AVN
The European Union is about to implement a new set of rules to govern digital services platforms and protect users' online rights, but Free Speech Coalition's European branch is petitioning the EU to demand that sex workers and sexuality professionals, artists and educators not be excluded…
Petition Could Prompt Canada to Debate Sex Work Decriminalization
Petition Could Prompt Canada to Debate Sex Work Decriminalization AVN
The Canadian parliament may soon take up the sex work decriminalization issue thanks to a new petition that has gathered more than 5,000 signatures.