NetChoice and the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) have sued the state of Florida to block the state’s age verification bill.
Aylo Confirms Oklahoma IP Addresses Will Be Blocked From Pornhub
The parent company of Pornhub has said the popular site will be blocked in Oklahoma starting this Friday when the state’s age verification law goes into effect.
#HandsOffMyPorn Campaign Ramps Up Anti-Project 2025 Ads on Barstool Sports, Similar Sites
#HandsOffMyPorn is spending money on male-dominant sites like Barstool Sports and GQ.
Scotland Pushes Partnership With Anti-Porn Activist Who Thinks Sex Workers Are ‘Possessed by the Devil’
The Scottish government has partnered with an anti-porn activist who says they are “possessed by the devil”.
Associated Press Falsely Implicates ‘Pornography’ in French Rape Scandal
The AP has blamed porn in a French rape scandal.
Oklahoma’s AV Law Enters Force Friday
The Oklahoma age verification bill will go into effect on Friday, November 1st.
GSI Developpement Reports Euro Certifications for AV Solution ‘’ has received certification from two European regulating agencies for their age verification solution.
‘Daily Caller’ Column Condemns ‘e-Harlots,’ Urges ‘Nuking’ Porn Sites
A column in the Daily Caller condemned the adult industry and urged “nuking” porn sites.
South Dakota Lawmakers Endorse Plan to Require AV for Porn Sites
Legislators in South Dakota have endorsed age verification for porn sites.
UK Government Survey Reveals Online Safety Act Could Make Porn Sites ‘Not Feasible’
A UK government survey said the country’s Online Safety Act could make allowing porn sites not feasible.