KOSA Sponsors Praise Surgeon General’s Endorsement of Mental Health Labeling for Websites

Kosa Sponsors, Senators Blackburn and Blumenthal, have complimented Surgeon General Vivek Murthy for asking Congress to make mental health warnings mandatory on social media platforms.

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X’s Porn-Recognition AI Survives Illinois’ Biometric Privacy Law Challenge

Social media company X won a lawsuit filed against it for violating Illinois biometric privacy law due to its AI system identifying porn images.

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Former Nashville Cop Arrested for Appearing in OnlyFans Clip

A former Nashville police officer by the name of Sean Herman was arrested recently after it was learned that he had appeared in an OnlyFans clip while in uniform and on duty.

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Aylo to Block Indiana, Kentucky Due to Age Verification Laws

Aylo has said that Pornhub will be blocked in Indiana and Kentucky due to the new age verification laws against porn in the two states.

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Local ACLU Chapter Warns Ohio Lawmakers About AV Legislation

The Ohio ACLU chapter has raised its concerns to Ohio lawmakers about the age verification laws in the state,

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Anti-Pornhub Attorney Expands Strategy to ‘Name and Shame’ Finance Companies

Michael J. Bowe, an anti-Pornhub attorney, is now calling out finance companies who have done business with Aylo in his fight against the platform.

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Hail Satan? Why the Adult Industry Should Back the Satanic Temple

YNOT’s Connor Young opines that the adult industry should align with the Satanic Temple.

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Court Orders xHamster to Remove Dutch Amateur Content

A Dutch court has ruled that xHamster must remove all videos featuring Dutch people who haven’t given permission for their images to be used.

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I Feel a New Texas Porn-Warning Label Coming Our Way…

Ben Suroeste opines about the Texas porn warning, which is part of the state’s age verification law.

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EU Commission Presses Adult Sites on DSA Compliance

The European Commission had asked for additional details from adult sites about protection for minors.

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