Senate panel advances bills to childproof the internet
President Joe Biden has made child safety a top administration priority.
Biden Urges Lawmakers to Pass Controversial ‘Online Safety’ Bills
Biden Urges Lawmakers to Pass Controversial ‘Online Safety’ Bills
President Joe Biden on Tuesday urged lawmakers to pass controversial “online safety” bills KOSA and COPPA, currently making their way through the Senate.
Conservative Activist Admits Anti-Porn State Laws Are ‘Experiment’ for Future Federal Prosecutions
Conservative Activist Admits Anti-Porn State Laws Are ‘Experiment’ for Future Federal Prosecutions
The leader of the American Principles Project (APP), a well-funded anti-porn conservative lobby that calls itself “the NRA for Families,” claimed last week during a Fox News interview that his group is behind the porn age verification laws passed by seven states, and admitted they were “experiments”…
Prosecutors in ‘French Bukkake’ Case Ask Judge to Try 17 Producers, Male Talents
Prosecutors in ‘French Bukkake’ Case Ask Judge to Try 17 Producers, Male Talents
French prosecutors reportedly asked last week for 17 men involved in the so-called “French Bukkake” case to stand trial for rape and other crimes.
Porn sites want exemption from C-11 regulation on grounds they don’t express Canadian cultural identity
Porn sites want exemption from C-11 regulation on grounds they don’t express Canadian cultural identity
The offices of Mindgeek
Read More »MindGeek Argues Adult Content Is Not ‘Uniquely Canadian,’ Seeks Exemption to New Online Streaming Bill
MindGeek Argues Adult Content Is Not ‘Uniquely Canadian,’ Seeks Exemption to New Online Streaming Bill
MindGeek has petitioned the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to be exempted from Canadian Content (CanCon) standards in Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Bill, claiming that adult content is not “uniquely Canadian.”
Legal Opinion Lambasts UK’s ‘Online Safety Bill’ As Dangerous, Possibly Unlawful
Legal Opinion Lambasts UK’s ‘Online Safety Bill’ As Dangerous, Possibly Unlawful
U.K. digital rights advocacy nonprofit Open Rights Group (ORG) released a formal Legal Advice regarding the prior restraint provisions in the proposed Online Safety Bill, in which experts deemed the current version dangerous and potentially unlawful.
Free Speech Coalition Petitions CFPB to Address Financial Discrimination
Free Speech Coalition Petitions CFPB to Address Financial Discrimination — Free Speech Coalition
The Free Speech Coalition, the advocacy organization for the adult industry, has submitted an official comment to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) asking regulators to address the issue of discriminatory banking practices and their effects on the adult businesses and workers. By hel
You Can Help Stop These Bad Internet Bills
You Can Help Stop These Bad Internet Bills
Red alert! For the last six months, EFF, our supporters, and dozens of other groups have been sounding the alarm about several #BadInternetBills that have been put forward in Congress. We’ve made it clear that these bills are terrible ideas, but Congress is now considering packaging them together—po…
‘Why am I getting threats… seriously, your porn?’: Va. state senator sparks outrage with age-verification law
Va. senator sparks fervor with age-verification porn law - WTOP News
A new age-verification law in Virginia has turned the porn industry in the Commonwealth on its head, causing PornHub to end its services in the state.