Sohn’s Fight for FCC Seat Rehashes Net Neutrality and Section 230
The fight to confirm Gigi Sohn to a seat on the FCC mirrors ongoing battles over crucial issues like net neutrality and Section 230.
Given the Chance, Would the Supreme Court Redefine “Obscenity”?
Given the Chance, Would the Supreme Court Redefine “Obscenity”?
Mike Lee has introduced a bill which would rework the definition of “obscenity”. Given the chance, would the Supreme Court do the same?
Iceland’s Pirate Party MPs Move to Overturn Outdated Porn Ban
Iceland’s Pirate Party MPs Move to Overturn Outdated Porn Ban
Iceland is currently debating a draft bill introduced by two members of the Pirate Party to overturn the total ban on pornography in the North Atlantic nation.
2023’s Rough Start: La. Age Verification Law, Pineapple Support Twitter Ban
2023’s Rough Start: La. Age Verification Law, Pineapple Support Twitter Ban
Between Louisiana’s new age verification law and the Twitter ban of Pineapple Support, the New Year is off to a rocky start for the adult biz.
Louisiana Law Requires ID to View Porn
Louisiana Law Requires ID to View Porn
Websites containing 33.3% or more of pornographic content are responsible for checking users’ age. Presumably residents could get around that by using a VPN, though.
Twitter ‘Permanently Suspends’ Pineapple Support Account
Twitter ‘Permanently Suspends’ Pineapple Support Account
Twitter “permanently suspended” the Pineapple Support account over the weekend, founder Leya Tanit reported through her personal account.
Texas Attorney General Files Brief to Narrow Section 230 Protections
Texas Attorney General Files Brief to Narrow Section 230 Protections
Texas’ Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton filed an amicus brief yesterday urging the U.S. Supreme Court to radically narrow the scope of Section 230 protection for websites.
Let’s Cut to the Chase, Senator Lee: Sponsor the NO FUN Act
Let’s Cut to the Chase, Senator Lee: Sponsor the NO FUN Act
YNOT’s Ben Suroeste thinks Sen. Mike Lee’s latest bills don’t go far enough in outlawing potentially enjoyable activities.
Thai Authorities Charge Soap Opera Actress With Operating Porn Site
Accused masterminds of illegal websites refused bail
The Criminal Court has denied bail to a wealthy computer programmer and his actress wife who allegedly operated a major gambling website and a pornographic site.
Russia’s Media Regulator Granted Powers to Block all LGBT Sites
Russia’s Media Regulator Granted Powers to Block all LGBT Sites - The Moscow Times
The Russian government has granted its media regulator the authority to block websites containing “LGBT propaganda” without a court order, according to a decree published on Monday. “Information propagating non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences” now serves as grounds for blacklisting…